For the last few weeks I’ve been selling Christmas trees at a local farm. I started in the wreath room helping trim brush for the wreath makers before I moved outside to the pre-cut barn. It’s been a great experience so far. My body has no idea what’s happening, but I’ve really enjoyed the physical work even though it’s very hard.
Another thing I like about working at the farm is how connected I am to the actual business of running the business. There’s a person that owns the operation, and he’s there 12 hours a day making sure it’s successful. I see the little things that make a difference every single day I’m there. And the people that work for him come back year after year because it’s a great place to work.
I didn’t realize how much I missed working for, and with, an entrepreneur. The business is personal for them, and that makes it much easier to make the connection myself and make it personal for me too. There’s joy and reward there. And now finally in my life I’m taking it as inspiration to build my own business and create that joy myself.